Into the Future Together
There are many ways and opportunities to spark change and to do good. ANOHA encourages children, their families and friends, kindergarten groups, and school classes to develop visions for the future and jointly to find new roads towards better action. As a place of experimentation and learning that is open to everyone free of charge, ANOHA promotes educational opportunities and strengthens social participation. ANOHA is supported in these efforts by companies, foundations, and individuals. Their diverse commitment creates new opportunities for effective educational programming and makes innovative projects possible.
Shapers of the Future
The German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media
Daimler AG
Siemens AG
Deutsche Bank Stiftung
Friends of the Jewish Museum Berlin in the U.S.
Michael Otto Stiftung
FRIENDS of the Jewish Museum Berlin
Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung
Arend and Brigitte Oetker
Deutsche Bahn AG
Familie Jörg A. Henle
Friede Springer Stiftung
Klaus and Kirsten Mangold
Bertold Leibinger Stiftung
BMW Group
Bank of America
Robert Bosch GmbH
“Noah’s Ark” at the Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, is a groundbreaking project and we thank our colleagues there for generously sharing their experience with us.