3 hours

Birthday on Noah’s Ark

For Children Ages 5 to 10 (in German)
A hippo sculpture in the Children's Museum opens its mouth. Around it confetti and balloons as a graphic.

Children get the opportunity to experience the story of Noah’s Ark with all their senses and celebrate their birthdays with imaginatively designed animals, large and small. The glitzy unicorn and the cozy hippo are climbing aboard and the big polar bear is invited too. But how will she get onto the Ark? And why is this Flood coming out of nowhere? The kids discover the power of water and join the animals on deck. They negotiate rules for getting along fairly and come up with ideas for a brand-new start. Next, the children each get to design renditions of their favorite animals and take them home as creative sculptures.

The birthday package comes with a wide array of games, a colorful birthday table with muffins and organic soda, and an invitation card that you will receive by email upon confirmation.

3 hours

Age/grade level

5 to 10 years

Number of participants

Maximum 10 children + 2 chaperones


ANOHA foyer


220 € (125 € for holders of a berlinpass)


The offer can only be booked in German.


There are no more dates available in 2024. We will be happy to accept inquiries for January to April 2025 from August 2024. Please email visit@​anoha.​de.