Primary school groups
120 minutes

Simple Rule!

A Workshop on Co-determination 
The images shows several signs in different colours stating: I, You, We, Better, Or, Yes, No.

Everyone has to get along well on the ark. This is only possible if there is fair communication and if everyone sticks to the rules. But how do rules actually work? What does it take? And who gets to decide? These and many other questions about democratic interaction will guide us through the workshop.

Specifically, we collect suggestions for joint decisions at various stations in the ark – and try them out straight away! The aim of the workhop is for all the children to draw up their own charter with the 7 rules that are most important to them.

Primary school groups
120 minutes

Age/grade level

grades 1–6

Number of participants

Maximum 15 children + chaperones


ANOHA foyer


50 € per workshop
If the group consists of more than 15 participants, two workshops at the same time can be booked.


Please reach out to us 2 – 3 months before the desired date.


T +49 (030) 259 93 305 
(Mo – Fr, 10 am – 4 pm)
